
Article  l  -  Name
1.1     The name of this Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA) Chapter shall be – OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF IOWA.

Article ll - Purpose
2.1    The purpose of this Chapter is to further the interest in all types of Oldsmobile’s within this geographic region and home community, and to aid in the promotion of events of interest in Oldsmobile.
2.2    The adherence to the purpose of our parent organization - The Oldsmobile Club of America Inc. as stated in Article ll of the OCA bylaws.

Article lll - Membership
3.1     This chapter may offer the same class of membership as OCA.
3.2     Active members are those who have paid dues.
3.3     Active, Honorary, and Life members are entitled to receive any Chapter newsletters.
3.4     Only Active and Life members shall have the right to vote in the affairs of the Chapter.

Article lV - Officers
4.1     The officers, in descending order of rank, shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Representative.
4.2     The Officers shall be elected by simple ballot for two- year terms of office by the general membership.
4.3     Officers may hold more than one office, except the President may not hold the office of Vice-President.

Article V - Board of Directors
5.1      The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers.
5.2      Three members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
5.3      The highest ranking member present shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote.
5.4      This Chapter shall be managed by its Board of Directors who shall have the authority to act in all matters concerning this Chapter, subject to OCA Bylaws, the provisions of these Bylaws, and to the” laws of the land.”

Article VL - Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities
6.1     The President or other board members, in descending order of rank, shall conduct meetings.
6.2      The President shall be the principal officer of the club and shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President.
6.3     The Vice President shall help the President with the business affairs of the Chapter.
6.4     The Secretary shall keep accurate accounts of what transpires at each business meeting and shall provide a reading of the minutes of any meeting at the next meeting.
6.5     The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of the Chapter and furnish a financial report at each business meeting.  The Treasurer shall also keep track and update the membership roster for the OCA.
6.6     The Chapter Representative shall represent this Chapter in all matters pertaining to the Central Zone of OCA, and shall act as a liaison between this Chapter and the Central Zone and the Oldsmobile Club of America, Inc.
6.7     All Officers and Board of Director members shall act as necessary to handle routine business matters pertaining to the Chapter and make an effort to hold the interest and good-will of the club members.

Article Vll - Elections
7.1 The election of Officers and Chapter Representative shall take place at the November meeting.
7.2     Nominations of Officers and Chapter Representative shall be by written nomination signed by both the nominator and nominee, by written volunteer nomination by the candidate, or by oral statement at the October meeting.
7.3     Only active members (see Article lll) shall run for an office or Chapter Representative position.
7.4     All ballots shall be cast in secret at the November meeting.
7.5     The two year term of office for each position shall be from January 1 through December 31 following the November of the election as necessary and appropriate.
7.6     Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the President.

Article Vlll - Annual Meeting 
8.1 The annual meeting shall be held in the month of November.
8.2      The purpose of the annual meeting is to hold the election of Officers and Chapter Representative and to handle whatever other business that may be necessary.
8.3      Six members, one of whom must be a member of the Board, shall constitute a quorum.
8.4      A ten-day mail notice is required for the annual meeting.

Article lX - Meetings
9.1     The number of meetings shall be determined by the Board. Additionally, there shall be a required annual meeting to be held in November.
9.2     The month of January shall be the start of the annual year.
9.3     The date and place of the meetings shall be determined by the Board.
9.4      Special meetings may be called by the request of any three members of the Board.
9.5      All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with recognized procedures and ROBERTS RULE OF ORDER shall govern parliamentary procedure.
9.6      All meetings shall be a Saturday of any given month.  The date of all meetings will be designated at previous meetings.
9.7      There shall be a seven- day minimum mail notice for all special meetings.
9.8      Six members, one of which must be a member of the Board, shall constitute a quorum for all regular and special meetings.
9.9    The Board of Directors may meet at the beginning, during, or end of any regular, annual, or special meeting without a mail notice.

Article X - Dues
10.1    Annual membership dues shall be set by the Board.
10.2    Annual membership dues shall run from January 1 through December 31.
10.3    The Board can raise or lower the annual membership fee as necessary or appropriate.

Article Xl - Chapter Requirements
11.1    This Chapter agrees to conform to all provisions of OCA Bylaws affecting Chapters, including but not limited to Articles IX and XVl of the OCA Bylaws.

Article Xll - Financial Policy
12.1    This Chapter agrees to take financial responsibilities for Chapter obligations.
12.2    This Chapter agrees that all OCA membership applications and dues will be promptly forwarded to the National OCA.
12.3    This Chapter shall keep correct and complete books and records of account.

Article Xlll - Bylaws
13.1    Any proposed changes in these Bylaws must be presented to the general membership for vote by a simple majority.
13.2    Any proposed change in these Bylaws must then be voted on by mail ballot sent to each Active and Life member who will have a minimum of ten (10) days to vote on the proposed change.
13.3    A simple majority vote will approve the change in the Bylaws.

Article XlV - Dissolution
14.1 This Chapter agrees to follow Article XlV of the National OCA Bylaws with regard to dissolution.